Until now, in France obtaining a Kbis extract had to be paid for. Since October 2019, you can obtain your Kbis extract for free in just a few clicks.

The Kbis quèsaco extract?
The Kbis extract is an official French document issued by the French Registry of the Commercial Court. This document certifies the legal existence inn France of your company and its registration in the French Trade and Companies Register (RCS) following its creation.
It understands:
the name of the registration office
information relating to your company (legal form, share capital, company name, directors, domiciliation, business name, etc.)
the SIREN number
the SIRET number
the APE code
This “identity card” of your company is generally requested when opening a professional bank account, to respond to calls for tender or by your French or international accountant.
For example, when you become a client of Blendy, French digital accountant, we will ask you to provide us with this document to start our collaboration.
French Kbis finally free!
Until now, obtaining a Kbis extract was unfortunately not free, even if the cost was rather reasonable (less than €4). But a Kbis extract being only valid for a period of 3 months, you were often obliged to take steps several times during the year with the Registry...
But that was before! Since October 2019, you can obtain in a few clicks and for free a French Kbis of less than three months from a company of which you are the legal representative.
Indeed, in line with the French PACTE law , the French Administration has set up a secure online portal: MonIdenum
This platform aims to simplify the lives of business leaders by making it easier for them to deal with the Registry. Today, companies registered with the RCS, RSAC or RSEIRL can therefore obtain their Kbis for free and unlimitedly on the MonIdenum website.
From now on, to obtain your Kbis extract, simply register on the portal by providing a copy of your identity card or passport, the name of your company, your email and your phone number. The system will then automatically reconcile this information with the RCS records. Validation of your account is immediate and allows you to generate a unique authentication key .
Then, you simply connect to your dedicated space using this key and download your Kbis via the “ Kbis & Performances ” tab. It’s that simple and quick! Enough to make life easier for companies registered in France with the RCS.
Still have questions? Want to discuss your business growth project?
Contact us to find out how we support our clients to strengthen the profitability and growth of their business!
With Blendy , French digital accountant take advantage of all the advantages of digital accounting to accelerate your finance process and develop your business.
Pennylane , Dext , QuickBooks and Stripe experts, we support digital and IT service companies, e-Commerce, SaaS, SMBs, in France and internationally .